
Watercolor, typewritten text on index card 
5” x 3”

Vertical brush marks overlap and flow together, while the term Scapulimancy and alternate spellings dominate the center. Scapulimancy is one of the oldest known and widely spread divinatory practices. It involves the burning of the flat shoulder plates of animals, often oxen, and reading the patterns that emerge.

Blue Watercolors (Framed Selection)

Watercolor, typewritten text on index cards
11.625” x 36.75”

A selection of five Blue Watercolors float in a vertical, maple shadow frame. The cards read, from top to bottom, Papyromancy, “divination by the howling of dogs,” a string of overtyped characters creating a single, indecipherable typewritten line, “divination by brain shape and personality type,” and Daphnomancy.

This selection of Blue Watercolors is sold framed and mounted as is. Substitutions are not permitted.